Dec 31, 2010


VTC- Assembly Language Programming Tutorials

VTC- Assembly Language Programming Tutorials
Elearining | 244 Mb

The Assembly Language course is intended for those who wish to write assembly for both Windows and Linux. It uses the freely available NASM assembler, which is feature-complete and produces object code in a variety of formats.
The predominant CPUs today use the Intel instruction set, and all examples in the course use that instruction set. The course covers the background information necessary for assembly programming and it covers the forms programs must take to operate in the systems. Some time is spent with low-level I/O, but many of the examples interface with C mainline programs. The emphasis of the course is in writing assembly language functions that can be called from higher level languages.


Huge collection of Java ebooks

Huge collection of PHP ebooks

Huge collection of ASP.NET and MVC ebooks 2,2 GB

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Classroom in a Book + Video and Lesson Files

Adobe Photoshop CS5 Classroom in a Book + Video and Lesson Files
Publisher: Adobe Press 2010 | ISBN: 0321701763 | Book, Video, Lesson files | 1.66 GB

Table of Contents

Learnkey – Javascript For Developers Series Part I & II (ISO)

Learnkey – javascript For Developers Series Part I & II (ISO)
English | ISO 130 kbps 8 fps | 619 x 325 | MP3 177 kbps 44 KHz Stereo | 1.55GB
Genre: elearning

                      The javascript for Developers Part 1 training course from LearnKey starts with core concepts and takes you step-by-step through the process of creating richer, more dynamic client-side web pages using javascript. Expert instructor Campbell Gunn combines information usually found only in multiple reference sources into this concise course. At the conclusion of this course, you’ll understand how to effectively use javascript to develop interactive client-side web pages.


Increase earning potential with technical mastery
Enhance employment opportunities with development knowledge
Gain new skills in a useful, productive manner
The javascript for Developers Part 2 course from LearnKey completes the javascript series begun with javascript for Developers Part 1. Expert instructor Campbell Gunn uses his extensive experience at integrating solutions from software produced by different vendors to provide information usually found only in multiple reference sources. At the conclusion of this course, you’ll understand how to effectively use javascript to develop richer, more dynamic client-side web pages.


Increase earning potential with technical mastery
Enhance employment opportunities development knowledge
Gain new skills in a useful, productive manner


Dec 29, 2010


10 Ways Malicious Code ReachesYour Private Network

As of 2010, there are nearly three million unique forms of known malicious code, and thousands of new ones are discovered daily. The risk of being infected is greater than ever. The damage caused by an infection can range from a minor annoyance to a catastrophic disaster. The old wisdom continues to ring true: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Most computer users are aware of the importance of security to reduce the threats that could potentially harm a computer or network. For example, anti-virus and anti-spyware are essential defenses in the war against malicious code. However, technology cannot compensate for poor and risky behavior. Thus, proper training and understanding, along with behavior changes, are needed to facilitate a reduction of malicious code infections.
The methods, vectors, or paths that malicious code can use to gain access to your system are increasing as new services or types of communications are developed. In fact, every single possible communication method that exists for legitimate data can be used to transmit malicious data as well. Thus, we all need to be vigilant in keeping our protections current as well as avoiding risky activities.
The following are 10 common ways malicious code reach your private network that you need to be aware of.
1. E-Mail Attachments
Attachments to e-mails are a common method of distribution of malicious code. E-mail is inherently insecure due to its use of SMTP, a plain text-forwarding protocol, and its lack of strong authentication of message send­ers. The source of an e-mail address can be easily spoofed or falsified as someone that you trust. Often, this alone is enough to trick a recipient into opening an attachment.
Generally, avoid using attachments as a means to exchange files. Instead, use a third-party file exchange system (such as DropBox,,, MediaFire, Windows Live SkyDrive, Foldershare, RapidShare, MegaUpload, Dropload, YouSendIt, SendThisFile, etc.). Thus, when an attachment does arrive, it is suspicious for being abnor­mal and not the standard method by which common communications take place.
If you receive an attachment and need to determine if it is legitimate, you still need to verify it before opening it. Create a new e-mail (do not reply to the message with the attachment) to the sender and ask for confirma­tion that they sent the file. Maybe even ask the filename, size, and hash value if you are really concerned. Or, call the person and ask if they sent you an attachment on purpose. If the sender does not confirm the attachment, delete it.
2. Portable Media
Portable media includes any device that can store information. This includes optical discs (CD, DVD, HD-DVD, Blu-Ray, etc.), tapes, external hard drives, USB drives, and memory cards. Any storage device can support both benign and malicious content. The less you know about or trust the source of a device, the more you should be cautious about accepting the device and connecting it to your system. Any media from outside the organization should be highly scrutinized, especially if obtained from a questionable or unknown source.
A possible defense is to use a dedicated scanning system. Every new-to-you media can be scanned at this stand­alone system before it is used on any production system. Assuming the stand-alone scanner system is updated regularly, it will greatly reduce the risk of malware distribution via media. Another option would be to limit data exchanges to file sharing services that do not involve portable media.
3.Visiting Malicious Web Sites
The Web browser is the primary tool used to interact with the Internet, which is a dangerous place. Thus, many threats breach our organizations’ defenses through this seemingly innocent client software. Popular and well-known sites are generally not a significant threat; however, any site can be the victim of an attack, which in turn could leave you at risk.
Following hyperlinks sent to you by e-mail or chat could lead to malicious locations. Additionally, some search results might not lead to legitimate locations. Always be cautious about following Web links to domain names you don’t generally recognize.
It is difficult to always be aware of the reputation of a Web site are visiting, but you can reduce the risk by using an updated browser, limiting auto-execute features of mobile code, and running anti-malware scanners.
4. Downloading Files from Web Sites
Even when visiting generally trustworthy Web sites, there may be additional risk if you elect to download con­tent to your local system. Take ever greater caution when choosing to download material from any site. Seek out only those locations that are known to be safe and trustworthy. For example,, managed by CNet, is a safe location to download software, because they test and verify every file available through their service.
When seeking out more esoteric content or unique files, you will likely be visiting non-mainstream download locations. These fringe sites put you at greater risk, because they don’t have a known reputation and may not have any amount of filtering or screening of offered files.

Downloaded Web content includes both generic files, including software, plug-ins, movies, audio files, etc., as well as mobile code, such as ActiveX, Java, JavaScript, Flash, SilverLight, etc. Any code that comes from an out­side source – that is potentially unknown – puts you and your computer system at greater risk.

5. Participation in P2P File Sharing Services
Concern over downloaded, malicious content grows when that code is obtained through a peer file-sharing sys­tem. This is not a condemnation of efficient, distributed transmission solutions, but rather the sources of the files exchanged through them. By not knowing or having control over the source of a file, it is possible that malicious code could be included along with the content being sought.
The risk is lower when the content is downloaded legally, but the risk grows when a P2P sharing system is used to access illegal or infringing content. The risk is greater not because the content becomes malicious when it is exchanged outside of ethical channels, but because the providers of the content often include malicious code in­tentionally. The “poisoning” of the content is a way to further distribute malware, especially remotely controlled tools, through a popular but non-filtered exchange mechanism.
6. Instant Messaging Clients
In many cases, the purveyors of malware look for methods of distribution that will enable them to quickly and broadly transmit their code. The more popular a “thing,” the more attractive it becomes as a vehicle for distribu­tion. Malware can be seen as a form of parasite that attaches itself to any popular communication medium.
One increasingly popular communication medium is that of IM or instant messaging. Through chat systems, especially those using installed software clients instead of Web interfaces, the exchange of files is possible. There have been security breaches that allowed remote hackers to upload and/or download files through holes in IM client software. Even with a patched client, it is possible for a user to accept an offered file from an unknown source or follow an offered hyperlink to a malicious Web site.
7. New Devices and Peripherals
A risk that is often overlooked due to its rarity is malware found on brand new devices, right out of their pack­aging. Mobile phones, digital photo frames, and even media players have been compromised during manufac­turing, resulting in malware that makes its way to a customer’s computer. This has happened with a well-known, commercial, shrink-wrapped, anti-virus product.
Vendors often outsource the actual construction and pre-production of their products to external manufactur­ers and assemblers. When computer parts are the product being constructed, especially those with storage capabilities, malware can make its way onto the new device while it is loaded with its software elements if the manufacturer’s system is infected. One way to reduce this threat is to not be an early adopter of a product nor the first to grab an updated version of an existing product. Give the rest of the market a few days or weeks to discover malware and other concerns before adding the new device or peripheral to your repertoire.

8. Social Networking Sites
Social networking sites offer up several situations that could allow malware to make its way onto your network. First, there are the social engineering attacks that trick users into accepting fraudulent information that, when acted upon, could compromise an account or the security of a computer. Second, with the proliferation of mes­sage posting and exchange services, it is easy to follow hyperlinks to malicious Web sites. Third, some in-site applications, written by malicious entities, attempt to hijack accounts or distribute malicious code.
Many of these threats are discovered by the community or the site moderators within a few hours or days, so these concerns don’t remain static for long. However, new attacks and tricks are crafted by hackers constantly. Be suspicious, don’t accept offered links, especially for file downloads, and don’t be an early adopter of a new application. Give the community a few days to discover the malicious elements and weed them out before you dive in.
9. Social Engineering Attacks
Social engineering is the art of convincing someone to either give up information or perform a task that results in the reduction of security. Large organizations are the most common targets of social engineering attacks; however, mass e-mail-based attacks could show up in anyone’s inbox.
Be aware that attackers are trying to trick you into following hyperlinks, downloading files, performing configu­ration changes, or typing in esoteric commands. Doing so could lead to the direct infection of your system with malware.
Social engineering attacks are often quite subtle. At first glance, or before your second thought, you might not realize that an e-mail or a phone conversation isn’t normal. If the hacker can convince you to act before you think or verify, the social engineering attack is successful. If a hacker can trick you into visiting a malicious Web site, malware could be transmitted to your system through Web-based mobile code.
In other attacks, the hacker may encourage you to download a scanner or utility in order to perform some testing or diagnostic function. The tool you download might do what is claimed, but it also may open a remote control connection granting the hacker partial to full access to your system.
A social engineering attack could even be waged by building auto-launch elements onto USB flash drives and leaving them in various locations, such as the restroom counter, the snack room, or near the smoking area. If someone picks up the drive and plugs it into their computer, they probably won’t even notice the installation of malicious code, which might corrupt the system or grant hackers remote control access.
Be aware; you are a target of social engineering attacks. The question is will you recognize the attack for what it is, or will you be tricked into harming your own environment.

10. Not Following Security Guidelines and Policies
The last and probably most significant cause of how or why malicious code reaches your private network, or even just your personal computer system, is by not following proper security guidelines and policies. Most orga­nizations of moderate size have made the effort to design a secure infrastructure. This includes prescribing user access policies and providing at least some level of security awareness training.
Failing to abide by security guidelines or purposefully violating security policies will lead to compromised security, often the distribution of malicious code. Security policies are written and implemented for a reason – to reduce the likelihood of a security breach. If a worker fails to abide by the company security policy, they put themselves and the entire organization at risk.
Bypassing filters, using storage devices from outside resources, using unauthorized peripherals, blocking soft­ware updates, opening e-mail attachments, participating in unethical file exchanges, and using non-approved software clients are all security policy violations and increase the chance of malicious code infesting the organi­zation.
Every organization and every individual has a vested interest in operating with common sense security guide­lines. This will assist in reducing the risk of malicious code infection and allow the organization to be productive in accomplishing missions, goals, or sales, without having to spend resources on recovery.
Write a security policy. Define the acceptable use policy. Hire competent personnel. Train users on how to per­form their jobs within the confines of security. Use automated tools to detect and defend. Monitor the environ­ment for abuse, misuse, and compromise. Use common sense. Obey the rules.

Dec 26, 2010


Free calling in Gmail extended through 2011

(Cross posted from the Gmail blog)
When we launched calling in Gmail back in August, we wanted it to be easy and affordable, so we made calls to the U.S. and Canada free for the rest of 2010. In the spirit of holiday giving and to help people keep in touch in the new year, we’re extending free calling for all of 2011.

In case you haven’t tried it yet, dialing a phone number works just like a regular phone. Look for “Call phone” at the top of your Gmail chat list and dial a number or enter a contact’s name.

To learn more, visit Calling in Gmail is currently only available to U.S. based Gmail users.

Happy New Year and happy calling!

16 "GodModes" For Windows 7

Given that Microsoft is keeping schtum, it's probably safe to say Vista users shouldn't try the shortcuts below.


[UPDATE] Just a quick reminder, guys: you need to put "[blank]." before any of the strings above in order for them to work.

For example, GodMode was "GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}"

How to Activate GodMode in Windows 7

Want to activate GodMode in Windows 7? Here's how!

                   Windows 7 users are all abuzz about the OS and its GodMode. If you haven't heard of it, GodMode is a folder that brings together a long list of customization settings allowing you to change all your settings from one place. Neat huh? It's very easy to enable and damn useful if you tweak things around a lot.
       Create a new folder.

       Rename the folder to 

        (note that you can change the “GodMode” text, but the following period and code number are essential).

         The folder icon will change — double click it to show the GodMode window:

The window shows nearly 50 sections with quick links to configuration options. Strictly speaking, it’s not a God Mode since all the options are available elsewhere. It’s more akin to an “all tasks” list — but you may find it easier than stumbling through Windows numerous screens and panels.


The trick appears to work on both the 32 and 64-bit versions of Windows 7. Vista 32-bit and Windows Server 2008 32-bit should also work. However, it is known to crash 64-bit versions of Vista — and you may need to boot in safe mode or to the command line to delete the folder.

Dec 23, 2010


Adding/Modifying OEM Information in Vista and 7

P90X Extreme Home Fitness Workout Program - 13 DVDs, Nutrition Guide, Exercise PlannerOEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer) Information is the meta data provided by the original manufacturer of your computer which may include the manufacturer’s name, model number, serial number, support website etc…   If you have seen an OEM logo in your System Properties window and want to modify it, this tutorial can be helpful for you. If you have a home assembled computer than you can add OEM information in your computer.

For Windows 7 and Vista
Open the Windows Registry Editor , alternatively you can type regedit in the RUN dialog box and hit enter.

Navigate to the subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OEMInformation,
here you can double click in each key and change its value.

For the OEMlogo you should have a bitmap picture( .bmp extension) of size 120px X 120px and 24 bit color depth.

After you are done you can view the System Properties dialog box by right clicking on My Computer and clicking on Properties.

How To: Create A Theme Pack In Windows 7

A lot has been written on the fancy look of Windows7 ever since it was unveiled at PDC 2008. 
Microsoft has done wonderful job by adding many new features that are not only cool and but also light on system resources, making Windows 7 faster than its predecessor Vista. 

There is an interesting feature in Windows 7, called theme pack, which was not the part of earlier versions of Windows. A theme pack contains following things:
1. Desktop Wallpaper
2. Screensaver
3. Sounds
4. Slideshows
5. Color of the theme
6. Mouse Pointers
7. Desktop icons

And you can install a theme pack on any Windows 7 machine without patching Windows system
files. That is, you need not to use any third party software to install a theme pack. Just double-click on the theme pack to install it. Sounds good, right?
One more sheer advantage is that you can install this pack on any Windows 7 running machine with simple double-click! 

How to create a theme pack?
Making a theme pack is basically a simple task when compared to theme, as you are not using any resource hacking programs and other utilities.

1. Right-click on Desktop, select Properties. Here you will see many default theme packs. In the same window, you will get all the options that are required to customize and create a theme pack in Windows 7.

2. Now you need to customize all the items that you want to change in your new theme pack.

3. Select Desktop Background option and select multiple wallpapers if you like to have slideshow feature in your new theme pack.
 Just input the wallpaper folder you want to use by hitting the browse button on the right and navigating to the folder. Also don’t forget to customize the slideshow time interval. To change this, click on “Change picture every” option at the bottom of the window.

4. Next, if you are interested in modifying sounds, just change the Windows sounds.

5. Though many of us don’t use screensaver, it’s good idea to have a nice screensaver in your favorite theme pack. Right-click on Desktop > Personalize > Screensaver and customize the screen saver according to your taste.

6. Finally, modify the color of the theme to suite the wallpaper of the theme pack. Just make sure that you select a color which looks good with all the wallpapers in the slideshow feature. To modify the color, Right-click on Desktop > Personalize > Window Color and customize the color so that it matches with the wallpaper/s that you have included in this theme pack.

Once you are done, just click the “Save theme” link and change the type to .themepack and click the save button.  

How to create a System repair disc in Windows 7

Dell Studio XPS 1640 15.6-Inch Obsidian Black Laptop - Up to 3 Hours 8 Minutes of Battery Life (Windows 7 Home Premium)There maybe certain times when your computer can be filled with viruses or your little brother may delete all the system files (knowing or unknowingly) or …yeah sometimes you test a batch file and deletes all your ‘.dll’ files from system32 directory (this has happened twice in my case ‘.)), 

in those times you need a system repair disc. Microsoft has introduced System Repair Option in Windows 7 incase the things that I mentioned earlier happen.

In Windows 7 creating a system repair disc is fairly easy. FYI i have included necessary steps to create a system repair disc in this tutorial. You also need a compatible CD/DVD burner and blank CD/DVD.

First put a blank CD/DVD in the CD/DVD burner in your system. I recommend you to put a CD-R instead of DVD-R because files in the recovery disc occupied only 164 MB in my 4.7 GB DVD-R.

Goto Start —>All Programs —>Maintenance —>Create a System repair disc

or if you don’t like to click so many times you may press “Winlogo + R” type “recdisc.exe” (w/o quotes) and hit enter.

In the following Window click on Create disc.

                                       Create System Repair Disc window

Dec 22, 2010


Auto Enter Product Key When Installing Microsoft Office XP, 2003 and 2007

First you will need to copy all the files in the Office installer disc to your hard drive. Then edit the setup.ini file which is at Files\Setup folder and create a new value PIDKEY=YOURPRODUCTKEYHERE at Options. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it. The below guide is for Microsoft Office 2003.

1. Copy all the files from your Microsoft Office CD.

2. Go to \Files\Setup, right click on the Setup.ini file, select Properties and uncheck Read-only.

3. Open Setup.ini, locate [Options] and right at the bottom of the options, type PIDKEY=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY. Replace the ABCDE… with your genuine Office product key.

4. Save the setup.ini file and burn all the files to a new disc if you need to.

Now when you run Microsoft Office setup, you will still see the dialog window where it asks you to enter the product key but it has been magically auto inserted for you. No more memorizing the CD key, or any precious time typing it.

For Office XP, you won’t find the setup.ini file but instead, you should modify the setupstd.ini file. It’s also in Files\Setup folder.

For Office 2007, the file that you need to modify is different and the file structure is also not the same as Office XP or 2003. Look for a folder called Enterprise.WW or Standard.WW or Pro.WW in the Office 2007 installer. Edit the config.xml file, remove the comment out code for PIDKEY and enter the 25 digit Office 2007 CD Key WITHOUT dashes.

You can now install Office without entering any product key.

May 9, 2010


Change and customize Windows 7's Logon screen wallpaper

A Registry tweak

The process begins with a very minor Registry tweak. Even for those who would not normally feel comfortable editing the Registry, this one’s a piece of cake. To begin, click the Start button and type Regedit in the Search box. Then, select the appropriate result and press [Enter]. When you do, you’ll see the User Account Control, shown in Figure A, and will need to click the Yes button.
Note: Editing the Windows Registry file is not without its risks, so be sure you have a verified backup before making any changes.

Once the Registry Editor launches, locate and right-click on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key and select the Find command. When you see the Find dialog box, type OEMBackground in the text box and make sure that only the Values check box is selected, as shown in Figure B.

Figure B

When the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\Background key opens, locate and double-click the OEMBackground value. When you see the Edit DWORD dialog box, change the value data from 0 to 1, as shown in Figure C. (If the OEMBackground value doesn’t exist in the Background key, you’ll need to pull down the Edit menu from that key and select New | DWORD (32-bit) Value).

How to Enable / Disable Hibernation in Windows XP/Vista/7

Hiberfil.sys and Windows Hibernate function

To understand why hiberfil.sys exists, we must look at the Windows Hibernate function. When you activate Hibernate, Windows takes a snapshot of your current session (all your running programs, open files, etc.) and writes that information to your hard drive. Hibernate was designed to speed up shutdowns and restarts and save power on laptops.

Hiberfil.sys, as the name suggests, is the file to which Windows saves the snap-shot data. Thus, the file is always equal in size to the total amount of available RAM on the computer.On a computer with plenty of free disk space, having such a large file just hanging around usually isn’t a problem. But if you’re running low on hard drive space and never use the Hibernate feature, hiberfil.sys is unnecessarily eating up valuable disk real estate.

Disabling Windows Hibernation

As I noted earlier, you can manually delete hiberfil.sys, but it will just come back. To permanently remove the file, you must disable the Windows Hibernate function. You can do this through either the Windows GUI or the command line.

Apr 19, 2010


How to Avoid Facebook Scams

Facebook is one of an elite few leading the charge. Every day, hundreds of people join the Web site to reconnect with old acquaintances and make new friends.

But helping people make connections with each other is just one of Facebook's qualities.
Another important element is that Facebook allows application developers to create small programs called apps (short for applications) and use Facebook as a platform.

In a way, Facebook is acting like an operating system -- it provides the foundation for smaller applications that tap into the social network's resources.

Arguably, the most important resource is Facebook's user base. Building an app can be time-consuming and challenging; however, Facebook's community includes millions of people, and that gives developers a built-in audience for their work. Without this audience, developers could end up working long hours, creating a program that no one sees or uses. But the nature of Facebook's community helps developers spread their work virally. Facebook members grab the application after seeing it on a friend's profile and soon thousands of people are enjoying the app.

Why do developers create apps? Some developers just want to create a fun application for people to enjoy. The app enhances the user experience on a social network. Others are building programs that are part of a marketing strategy -- they hope the application will nudge users to purchase a particular product or subscribe to a service. A few create applications that gather data in order to create targeted advertising. And some are taking advantage of the open nature of Facebook to create malicious programs or run scams in an effort to con users or cause mischief.
How can you avoid these scams? And what should you do if you fall victim to one?