in those times you need a system repair disc. Microsoft has introduced System Repair Option in Windows 7 incase the things that I mentioned earlier happen.
In Windows 7 creating a system repair disc is fairly easy. FYI i have included necessary steps to create a system repair disc in this tutorial. You also need a compatible CD/DVD burner and blank CD/DVD.
First put a blank CD/DVD in the CD/DVD burner in your system. I recommend you to put a CD-R instead of DVD-R because files in the recovery disc occupied only 164 MB in my 4.7 GB DVD-R.
Goto Start —>All Programs —>Maintenance —>Create a System repair disc
or if you don’t like to click so many times you may press “Winlogo + R” type “recdisc.exe” (w/o quotes) and hit enter.
In the following Window click on Create disc.
Create System Repair Disc window
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